Drew and Annafran went on their very first date in high school…and then never spoke again. AH high school love, isn’t it grand? (;
That is, until they saw each other at a basketball game years later. Drew claims they saw each other in the stands and Annafran didn’t acknowledge his excistence. HOWEVER, she was first to reach out afterward, so I’ll let you believe who you want on that one (; They eventually decided to go on another date and clearly it went much better! They played a game of Horse. (If you are unfamiliar here’s a wiki how, haha!) and once again Drew stakes a claim. He SAYS he let Annafran win, but she begs to differ. Again, you can decide for yourself who the real winner was!
Win or lose, these two have been together ever since. And there’s a very good reason for it. They are quite honestly perfect for each other. Drew and Annafran were so natural together. They made each other laugh, and encouraged each other the entire time during our session. Especially at the end when we had major technical difficulties getting a bottle of champagne open. (Thanks Drew, you’re the real MVP on that one!) They laughed the whole way through it. And humor in the small things is a very important trait to have with someone you are going to spend the rest of your life with. <3
Annafran and Drew, THANK YOU for spending an afternoon with me, letting me take your pictures, and loving Dr.pepper as much as I do. I can’t wait for your big day to be here! <3 XOXO – Grace*