Let me start by saying that what isn’t pictured below is the fact that Allie and Caleb RISKED THEIR LIVES FOR THESE PHOTOS. After about twenty minutes of shooting a storm rolled in and within seconds all of our hair was sticking straight up in the air. Imagine those electric balls at museums you touch that make your hair stand on end…that was us. As soon as I realized there was no wind to speak of I reached out and touched Caleb’s arm and inform him we could be in immediate danger. As soon as my hand hit his shirt I SHOCKED HIM. LITERALLY. We wrapped things up 10 minutes after that and I have to say, the pictures were totally worth the fear lol!!
Okay now about how awesome these two really are. Caleb and Allie have know been together for four years. I asked them if it feels like forever and they said “only on the days when Kessler (their little one) is losing it”. And that right there my friends made me love them immediately. Couples who can laugh at life together are SO important. And these two do just that. They giggle together and PDA’d it up just like I love the whole terrifying shoot. <3
Allie and Caleb I can’t thank you enough for getting in front of my camera and can’t wait for your wedding!! – XoXo Grace