My biggest worry about having a second baby was how my first baby would feel. Would she feel as loved? Would she be jealous? Would SHE love the baby? At three years old, would she understand that this baby wasn’t replacing her?
It is more than safe to say that I should have never spent a single second worrying about these things. From the moment Emmy arrived, Ella has been head over heels with her new baby sister. She was SO ecstatic to come see her in the hospital. We had a five day NICU stay and I worried us not coming home and staying at the hospital would make her upset, instead she LOVED coming to the hospital to visit, and was that much more excited when we finally got to come home. Now a month later, she still tells everyone she’s a big sister and wants to help with her all day!
I think transitioning to a family of four has been so easy because Emmy is honestly an easy baby! But also because Ella is obsessed with her little sister. And I think she was so pumped about a new baby because of the things we did leading up to her arrival!
- We talked about the baby like it was hers.
Anytime we brought up the baby we would say “it’s going to be so fun when YOUR baby is here.” “you can help us change YOUR babies diapers! And pick out her clothes!” “YOUR baby is going to have so much fun playing with you when she gets bigger! You will be such a good sister to YOUR baby!” Even now she tells everyone Emmy is HER baby sister, and is so proud.
2. The baby brought Ella a gift, and Ella brought one for her.
At the hospital Ella brought Emmy a toy for a gift, and we had a gift waiting for her “from Emmy”. It was a little digital camera and she was so excited! It holds 10,000 iPhone quality pictures, and she got right to taking photos of her new sister. It was something she could take home and play with while we stayed at the hospital and she still plays with all the time! I’ve put a link to the one we purchased below because it was such an awesome buy! 10/10 recommend doing this with your little!
Camera Link:
3. Lots of holding and helping.
ANYTIME Ella asks to hold Emmy, we let her. We try to let her help as much as possible, whether that be handing us a wipe or diaper, or pushing her stroller at the park. Anytime we can make Emmy feel like “her” baby, we do! I think it makes her feel like she’s just as important to Emmy’s well being as us! And that we are all a team. <3
Brining another baby into our family has truly been the best experience, I couldn’t imagine life now without both of these girls. <3
Photos by Whitney Basinger Photography